It's never easy being a parent and trying to teach your children the "right" way to learn about sexuality. There are all kinds of views and perspectives available, so Eileen Prouffe is going to help you find a few resourceful materials that might help you when talking to your own children or maybe even a niece or nephew about sex. Check out her list of sex positive parenting books. They might even be a great gift for someone this holiday season.
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#1 Where Did I Come From?
By: Peter Mayle
A great way to positively teach your children about sex at a young age. If they grow up around sex and hearing about it, then it might not be such a shock later on and they might be more mature about it. Every kid asks this question at some point, so you might as well address it sooner rather than later.
"This book was very tastefully done illustration and explained in a way that he cold understand while also giving pictures that wouldn't scare him." - Amazon Customer
#2 One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dads, Blue Dads
By: Johnny Valentine
This book is great for helping children see their parents as people, instead of sexual beings. It's a great way for them to learn to accept people for who they are and as they are, especially as parents. We all know that no parents are perfect and that there are all kinds of parents, so it's a great way for a child to open their minds and not be set in one particular way of parenting.
"I use this book in my preschool classroom with 3,4, and 5 year-olds. They love it, and instantly see the silliness in being afraid or worried about a family with two dads OR blue dads. We use it every year during our unit on families." - Amazon Customer
#3 The Boys Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up
By: Kelli Dunham
This is a great adolescence book can help parents teach their sons about the changes that are going on with their bodies and how to deal with them.
Of course they are going to be experiencing their "wet dreams" and feeling sexual desires, so it's important to address these feelings as they are happening so that they may learn to deal with them in a positive manner - understanding that they are normal, but that certain behaviors are not.
"I bought this book for my son, and it has been perfect for him. He's learned so much valuable information from this book, information that, as a single mom, I was worried I would not be able to pass onto him." - Amazon Customer
#4 Not My Kid: What Parents Believe About the Sex Lives Of Their Teenagers
By: Dr. Sinikka Elliot
A more modern book that focuses on reality and most importantly, your teenager, who needs a lot of guidance and attention at this stage in their life if you want them to make the right decisions about sex. This book is a wake-up call to a lot of parents as many of us forget that our kids are growing up and are constantly surrounded by sex. They are not oblivious to the world and we as parents cannot ignore the situations they have to face. This book is a must-read for parents of pre-teens and teens.
“Beautifully written, engaging, and insightful, Not My Kid advances our critical understanding of the complex tensions, contradictions, and paradoxes parents decipher as they make sense of the sex lives of their adolescent children. Sinikka Elliott invites readers to think critically about the revealing stories of parenting and family life that give life to this relevant book, and the emerging implications for the future of sex education programs and debates in an increasingly diverse and technological society.” - Gloria González-López
By: Zack and Kimberly King
This is a great book written by a mother and son to help other children know that there are limits on their bodies and that there are ways for them to deal with people who might be trying to cross those boundaries. It's super important for children to know what to do at a very young age.
"I feel CONFIDENT that my daughter will recognize a dangerous situation because of this book! My daughter is starting Kindergarten, so I figured it was time to start teaching her about the "dangers of the world", but in a kid-friendly and easy-to-understand way. Since there are several books on this subject, I read 4 of them - this one, Your Body Belongs to You, Those Are MY Private Parts, and Amazing You! I Said No! is the clear winner, in my opinion." - Amazon Customer
#6 Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid They'd Ask): The Secret to Surviving Your Child's Sexual Development from Birth to the Teens
By: Justin Richardson and Mark Schuster
Richardson and Schuster do a great job at explaining all the proper procedures for how to tell your kids about certain topics and how to confront them at the right time.
There are a lot of topics that your kids are going to have to deal with, from kissing to intercourse and this book covers all of the major situations that are going to arise at some point. It's always better to be prepared.
"Richardson... bring extraordinary expertise and scintillating intelligence to this guide to coping with a child's sexual maturation. Acknowledging that kids are "inherently sexual" (male fetuses, for example, have erections in utero), the authors show how parents can influence their children's sexual development in healthy ways through honest communication." - Publishers Weekly
#7 Between Mom and Jo
By: Julie Anne Peters
This is a great read for children of lesbian parents, especially pre-teens. It will certainly spark a discussion for your family.
Between Mom and Jo shows that every type of couple experiences struggles. The two mom's go through a conflict in the book where the child is left in the middle. This type of situation might really happen to children, so this book is important for young readers.
"This coming-of-age novel powerfully portrays the universal pain of a family breakup. It also portrays what is still a weird situation to many people (as reflected in the behavior of Nick's babysitter) as totally normal from one young man's point of view." - Beth Gallego, Los Angeles Public Library
#8 Who's Your Mama? The Unsung Voices of Women and Mothers
By: Yvonne Bynoe
This is a great cultural book that deals with not only sexuality, but politics, class, and race. Not only do our children have to deal with sex, but many other issues that go along with it as well. It's important to address all of these issues early to help our children understand that just because they do not have a lot of money or because they are a certain race that they have to give in to pressure from society.
This book will help build confidence and self-esteem. It's a great book for teenagers to learn about what their mothers might go through.
"Who's your mama? is an incredibly well-written collection of essays about the sorority of motherhood. Each chapter is a different essay telling the challenges of having, longing for, not wanting, or desperately seeking entrance into the complex, yet rewarding status of mother. Every essay concludes with a short biography of the author. Readers will root for, find judgment in, or gain a better understanding of this diverse group of women. The conventional wisdom of modern motherhood is delved deeply into. Each woman explores what motherhood means to her and, in the process, readers will be challenged to face their own hopes, dreams, fears, and realities." - Amazon Customer
#9 The Quick Start Guide To Sex-Positive Parenting
By: Airial Clark
Airial Clark has a lot of knowledge about sex positive parenting and also has a few podcasts. If you have the time to sit down with your child to listen, then it might be a good alternative to just reading a book or forcing a book on your child. However, Clark's guide is a great way to get started with some real experiences.
#10 Relationships and Sex Education (5-11)
By: Sacha Mason and Richard Woolley
This is an excellent book for adolescents because it reaches them at a young age and helps them learn about sexuality in a positive way. Many children are not receiving sexual education classes at school so, it's definitely up to the parents to provide the knowledge their children need before their kids are exposed to other kids ideas and the media.
"A sensible, sensitive, well written and easily accessible book that clearly puts the case for relationships education being at the heart of the primary curriculum. It provides an excellent critical analysis of the present situation and demonstrates a clear vision of what is required to help our young children progress successfully towards adulthood. Essential reading for all prospective and serving primary teachers." - Gillian L. S. Hilton, freelance education advisor and Research Supervisor at Middlesex University, UK
We need to make sure our kids are mature enough to handle whatever society throws at them. Education is key and this is why books, websites, and podcasts are extremely important in assisting us with this difficult job we have as parents.
Sex is something that parents and children should never stop learning about. It's important to seek out resources in order to assist with this learning process and help ease some of the uncomfortable feelings and emotions that may occur along the way. Hopefully, some of these reads will help you get started, or continue with sex positive parenting. Good Luck!
Eileen Prouffe is a GetLusty staff writer with over ten years as a working mom trying to keep her love alive. If she's not having fun with her three kids, she's staring into the eyes of her loving husband. She looks forward to sharing her ideas, tips and knowledge with everyone to help improve relationships and put an end to dull sex lives. Get in touch with Eileen at
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#1 Where Did I Come From?
By: Peter Mayle
A great way to positively teach your children about sex at a young age. If they grow up around sex and hearing about it, then it might not be such a shock later on and they might be more mature about it. Every kid asks this question at some point, so you might as well address it sooner rather than later.
"This book was very tastefully done illustration and explained in a way that he cold understand while also giving pictures that wouldn't scare him." - Amazon Customer
#2 One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dads, Blue Dads
By: Johnny Valentine
This book is great for helping children see their parents as people, instead of sexual beings. It's a great way for them to learn to accept people for who they are and as they are, especially as parents. We all know that no parents are perfect and that there are all kinds of parents, so it's a great way for a child to open their minds and not be set in one particular way of parenting.
"I use this book in my preschool classroom with 3,4, and 5 year-olds. They love it, and instantly see the silliness in being afraid or worried about a family with two dads OR blue dads. We use it every year during our unit on families." - Amazon Customer
#3 The Boys Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up
By: Kelli Dunham
This is a great adolescence book can help parents teach their sons about the changes that are going on with their bodies and how to deal with them.
Of course they are going to be experiencing their "wet dreams" and feeling sexual desires, so it's important to address these feelings as they are happening so that they may learn to deal with them in a positive manner - understanding that they are normal, but that certain behaviors are not.
"I bought this book for my son, and it has been perfect for him. He's learned so much valuable information from this book, information that, as a single mom, I was worried I would not be able to pass onto him." - Amazon Customer
#4 Not My Kid: What Parents Believe About the Sex Lives Of Their Teenagers
By: Dr. Sinikka Elliot
A more modern book that focuses on reality and most importantly, your teenager, who needs a lot of guidance and attention at this stage in their life if you want them to make the right decisions about sex. This book is a wake-up call to a lot of parents as many of us forget that our kids are growing up and are constantly surrounded by sex. They are not oblivious to the world and we as parents cannot ignore the situations they have to face. This book is a must-read for parents of pre-teens and teens.
“Beautifully written, engaging, and insightful, Not My Kid advances our critical understanding of the complex tensions, contradictions, and paradoxes parents decipher as they make sense of the sex lives of their adolescent children. Sinikka Elliott invites readers to think critically about the revealing stories of parenting and family life that give life to this relevant book, and the emerging implications for the future of sex education programs and debates in an increasingly diverse and technological society.” - Gloria González-López
By: Zack and Kimberly King
This is a great book written by a mother and son to help other children know that there are limits on their bodies and that there are ways for them to deal with people who might be trying to cross those boundaries. It's super important for children to know what to do at a very young age.
"I feel CONFIDENT that my daughter will recognize a dangerous situation because of this book! My daughter is starting Kindergarten, so I figured it was time to start teaching her about the "dangers of the world", but in a kid-friendly and easy-to-understand way. Since there are several books on this subject, I read 4 of them - this one, Your Body Belongs to You, Those Are MY Private Parts, and Amazing You! I Said No! is the clear winner, in my opinion." - Amazon Customer
#6 Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid They'd Ask): The Secret to Surviving Your Child's Sexual Development from Birth to the Teens
By: Justin Richardson and Mark Schuster
Richardson and Schuster do a great job at explaining all the proper procedures for how to tell your kids about certain topics and how to confront them at the right time.
There are a lot of topics that your kids are going to have to deal with, from kissing to intercourse and this book covers all of the major situations that are going to arise at some point. It's always better to be prepared.
"Richardson... bring extraordinary expertise and scintillating intelligence to this guide to coping with a child's sexual maturation. Acknowledging that kids are "inherently sexual" (male fetuses, for example, have erections in utero), the authors show how parents can influence their children's sexual development in healthy ways through honest communication." - Publishers Weekly
By: Julie Anne Peters
This is a great read for children of lesbian parents, especially pre-teens. It will certainly spark a discussion for your family.
Between Mom and Jo shows that every type of couple experiences struggles. The two mom's go through a conflict in the book where the child is left in the middle. This type of situation might really happen to children, so this book is important for young readers.
"This coming-of-age novel powerfully portrays the universal pain of a family breakup. It also portrays what is still a weird situation to many people (as reflected in the behavior of Nick's babysitter) as totally normal from one young man's point of view." - Beth Gallego, Los Angeles Public Library
#8 Who's Your Mama? The Unsung Voices of Women and Mothers
By: Yvonne Bynoe
This is a great cultural book that deals with not only sexuality, but politics, class, and race. Not only do our children have to deal with sex, but many other issues that go along with it as well. It's important to address all of these issues early to help our children understand that just because they do not have a lot of money or because they are a certain race that they have to give in to pressure from society.
This book will help build confidence and self-esteem. It's a great book for teenagers to learn about what their mothers might go through.
"Who's your mama? is an incredibly well-written collection of essays about the sorority of motherhood. Each chapter is a different essay telling the challenges of having, longing for, not wanting, or desperately seeking entrance into the complex, yet rewarding status of mother. Every essay concludes with a short biography of the author. Readers will root for, find judgment in, or gain a better understanding of this diverse group of women. The conventional wisdom of modern motherhood is delved deeply into. Each woman explores what motherhood means to her and, in the process, readers will be challenged to face their own hopes, dreams, fears, and realities." - Amazon Customer
#9 The Quick Start Guide To Sex-Positive Parenting
By: Airial Clark
Airial Clark has a lot of knowledge about sex positive parenting and also has a few podcasts. If you have the time to sit down with your child to listen, then it might be a good alternative to just reading a book or forcing a book on your child. However, Clark's guide is a great way to get started with some real experiences.
#10 Relationships and Sex Education (5-11)
By: Sacha Mason and Richard Woolley
This is an excellent book for adolescents because it reaches them at a young age and helps them learn about sexuality in a positive way. Many children are not receiving sexual education classes at school so, it's definitely up to the parents to provide the knowledge their children need before their kids are exposed to other kids ideas and the media.
"A sensible, sensitive, well written and easily accessible book that clearly puts the case for relationships education being at the heart of the primary curriculum. It provides an excellent critical analysis of the present situation and demonstrates a clear vision of what is required to help our young children progress successfully towards adulthood. Essential reading for all prospective and serving primary teachers." - Gillian L. S. Hilton, freelance education advisor and Research Supervisor at Middlesex University, UK
We need to make sure our kids are mature enough to handle whatever society throws at them. Education is key and this is why books, websites, and podcasts are extremely important in assisting us with this difficult job we have as parents.
Sex is something that parents and children should never stop learning about. It's important to seek out resources in order to assist with this learning process and help ease some of the uncomfortable feelings and emotions that may occur along the way. Hopefully, some of these reads will help you get started, or continue with sex positive parenting. Good Luck!
Eileen Prouffe is a GetLusty staff writer with over ten years as a working mom trying to keep her love alive. If she's not having fun with her three kids, she's staring into the eyes of her loving husband. She looks forward to sharing her ideas, tips and knowledge with everyone to help improve relationships and put an end to dull sex lives. Get in touch with Eileen at
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