Why is the word sex so taboo? We've heard from others in the sex education space who've had troubles for talking about sex. Our friend Ducky Doolittle was kicked off Constant Contact because they talked about putting an end to domestic violence. Cindy Gallop, founder of MakeLoveNotPorn, sought funding far and wide to fulfill her dream of changing porn for the better. We were kicked out of Chase banking for talking about sex. What's the big deal? Our favorite husband, Tommy Allen, is back again to talk about why sex (shouldn't be but) is a three letter word.
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I've been admonished on more than one occasion when the subject got anywhere near the birds and the bees not to go there. From what I was told, it is pretty embarrassing to get anywhere near that subject. For folks of any age--but especially parents--sex is a taboo subject.
What I can't understand is how any of us even got here. Obviously, no one's parents ever participated in any activities that resembles what nature provided for the propagation of our species. Ask anyone and they'll tell you they can't imagine their parents ever doing such a thing. I guess it's the miracle of virgin birth.
I do find it strange, however, that out in the real world the other living creatures seem to have attached no social stigma to the act of reproduction. There are many species that do form and live in pair bonds for their lifetime. So there is some type of relationship upon which they decide to create and raise their offspring.

But we humans, thanks to the keepers of our conscience, the religious and the pious, have placed such reproach upon what nature has provided for us, that it's only with shame and embarrassment can we discuss the natural facts of life.
I'm a believer in the assumption that people will do the right thing if given the opportunity. I think that by our very nature we desire to live within the framework of what's right and wrong. And I understand that is contrary to other popular beliefs.
It's when we make things that are naturally right and wrong, we create an inconsistency that causes physical, emotional and psychological contradictions. And that's when things start to go awry and the whole process becomes perverted.
So it may be time to admit that your parents did not find you in a cabbage patch, however hard that is for you to believe.
Cross posted with permission from Tommy Allen's blog.
Speaking of parents having sex, have you 'Liked' GetLusty on Facebook yet? We're giving away a Tiani 2 to a lucky 'Liker' by December 1st. We're also on Pinterest and Tumblr, as well as Twitter @getlusty. What?! You're on those platforms and aren't in tune with our awesome content? Have amazing sex. Get lusty.
Tommy Allen is our favorite husband of over three decades! He now shares his ideas with other couples to help with their success. How great! Tommy has been happily married for 34 years and together he and his wife have three grown sons. He is a student of life and love. He loves to learn by watching, listening and observing others. He uses his blog to share his observations on life, love, and relationships. Love is Tommy's favorite subject. He and his wife have lived and loved and loved and loved some more in Daytona Beach for more than 18 years. Want more from Tommy? Check out his blog!
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I've been admonished on more than one occasion when the subject got anywhere near the birds and the bees not to go there. From what I was told, it is pretty embarrassing to get anywhere near that subject. For folks of any age--but especially parents--sex is a taboo subject.
What I can't understand is how any of us even got here. Obviously, no one's parents ever participated in any activities that resembles what nature provided for the propagation of our species. Ask anyone and they'll tell you they can't imagine their parents ever doing such a thing. I guess it's the miracle of virgin birth.
I do find it strange, however, that out in the real world the other living creatures seem to have attached no social stigma to the act of reproduction. There are many species that do form and live in pair bonds for their lifetime. So there is some type of relationship upon which they decide to create and raise their offspring.
But we humans, thanks to the keepers of our conscience, the religious and the pious, have placed such reproach upon what nature has provided for us, that it's only with shame and embarrassment can we discuss the natural facts of life.
I'm a believer in the assumption that people will do the right thing if given the opportunity. I think that by our very nature we desire to live within the framework of what's right and wrong. And I understand that is contrary to other popular beliefs.
It's when we make things that are naturally right and wrong, we create an inconsistency that causes physical, emotional and psychological contradictions. And that's when things start to go awry and the whole process becomes perverted.
So it may be time to admit that your parents did not find you in a cabbage patch, however hard that is for you to believe.
Cross posted with permission from Tommy Allen's blog.
Speaking of parents having sex, have you 'Liked' GetLusty on Facebook yet? We're giving away a Tiani 2 to a lucky 'Liker' by December 1st. We're also on Pinterest and Tumblr, as well as Twitter @getlusty. What?! You're on those platforms and aren't in tune with our awesome content? Have amazing sex. Get lusty.

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